Stressed Out? Here are 9 Proven Breathing Methods to Relieve Your Stress
How would you like a long-term solution to negative stress?
Key Points
- The harmful effects of stress on your health
- The natural health benefits of conscious breathing
- The advantages of mindful breathwork during pregnancy
- 9 different types of breathing methods
Frustrated! Traffic clogged up, running late, just pulled over to the ‘quicker’ lane, and now the car three in front has just put on its hazard lights! I will be late for my interview! Need to calm down… need to calm down…but how?
It can be a struggle to control your thoughts which can lead to emotional confusion. And in worse case scenarios, this emotional stress can affect your intelligence and your decision-making process.
Stress in moderation is okay. But long-term stress can cause physical and emotional symptoms and unhealthy reactions.
Ongoing, chronic stress can also induce or heighten serious health problems, including mental health issues, depression, anxiety, and personality disorders.
It can bring on cardiovascular conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, heart attacks, and strokes
Fortunately, there is a long-term natural solution that will benefit your health.
Feelings come and go, like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor. — Thich Nhat Hanh
Some people use stress balls or phone a friend… However, the scientifically proven answer is literally right under your nose!
What exactly is conscious breathing?
An explanation from Breathing Tree: “Conscious Breathing is a self-healing technique that helps people to access the full potential of their breathing system for better physical, emotional and mental well-being.”
Conscious breathing, also known as mindful breathing or deep breathing, can help you achieve tranquility and presence so you can engage more profoundly with your day and your life.
Being aware of your breath forces you into the present moment — the key to all inner transformation. Whenever you are conscious of your breath, you are absolutely present. You may also notice that you cannot think and be aware of your breathing. Conscious breathing stops your mind.” — Eckhart Tolle
Simply put, you cannot have two thoughts at once. So if your mind is focusing on your breath, the effect is to dissipate the strong negative emotions from that ‘chat’ with your work colleague who just did not get your brilliant point! 😊
Conscious breathing also helps you navigate complex thoughts, emotions, and experiences, creating the clarity to respond with intention and objectivity.
There is a multitude of benefits:
- Improves cardiovascular fitness in people with high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat
- Detoxifies and strengthens the immune system
- Aids your nervous system and lung function
- Strengthens your concentration and focus
- Enhances your metabolism and digestion
- Releases muscle tension
- Gives you mental clarity
- Activates brain activity
- Improves your sleep
- Increases energy
- And, of course, keeps you looking youthful.
5 Amazing Benefits Of Doing Breathing Exercises During Pregnancy
- As your baby grows, you need more oxygen to function at your optimum level. Your baby needs adequate oxygen to grow properly as well. Shallow breathing won’t provide your body with enough oxygen. But these breathing exercises will give your body the oxygen it needs.
- Anxiety and stress are a part of pregnancy. With breathing exercises, you can stay calm and de-stress.
- Deep breathing provides your body with more oxygen. Which provides relief from achy joints and muscles.
- One of the things most pregnant women dread is labor. But if you practice deep breathing exercises regularly, you’ll be able to manage your contractions and labor pain better.
- Most importantly, mindful breathing will help you stay ‘present’ during your pregnancy and labor. This will allow you to enjoy the miracle that is childbirth.
1. Abdominal breathing helps to expand the lungs and breath in more air. It also strengthens your abdominal muscles.
2. Counting your breaths helps you stay focused and relaxed. It’s also a great exercise and will come in handy during labor. 😊
3. Roll breathing can help you use your lungs to their optimum capacity. It also helps you get in tune with your breathing rhythm, which can be soothing during pregnancy.
4. Ujjayi breathing can maximize your body’s energy level.
“Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
I start my day with a breathwork session which, along with meditation, should be compulsory in every school’s curriculum.
1. The method that works for me is: 5 — hold — 7
At any time I become aware of an attempted internal negative emotional takeover, I breathe IN for 5 and HOLD and OUT for 7 seconds. Repeating the words “LET… GO” in my mind. Recited until I eventually relax. I like to keep it simple.
If the emotion rises again, I might change what I say to “Right Here… Right Now.” Always 5-7seconds. This is what works for me.
Another key is to accept the negative emotion, don’t resist it. Acknowledge you’re upset, then drop into your mindful breathing practice.
Here are some different breathing methods you can try
2. Alternate nostril breathing has been shown to enhance cardiovascular function and lower heart rate.
3. Lion’s breath is an energizing yoga breathing practice that is said to relieve tension in your chest and face.
4. 4–7–8 Breathing is a technique that helps you fall asleep quicker.
5. Kapalabhati or Breath of Fire helps you reduce stress, boost brain function, and improve respiratory health.
6. Box breathing improves performance and concentration while also being a powerful stress reliever.
7. Wim Hof breathing helps you connect more deeply to your body. (This is how I start my day.)😊
8. Buteyko breathing helps you to breathe slower, calmly, and effectively.
9. Holotropic breathwork helps with emotional healing and personal growth.
Bottom line…If you want to relieve stress, these practices do work! And yes, they do require practice. It has worked for me and many, many more.
In time you will subconsciously recognize an emotional trigger and go into an automatic stress-relieving deep breathing routine.
The key is to find what technique works for you and stick to it.