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7 Super Cool Ways Your Endorphins Will Boost Your Day
And it really is not that difficult to do, as you’ll see at the end 😊
Remember when you fell or bumped yourself, and there was no immediate pain? That was your endorphins kicking in.
Endorphins evolved way back when your great, great, great, phew! great grandad Usain was being chased by a saber tooth tiger, tripped on a log but got up with no immediate pain and carried on running to safety.
Endorphins to the rescue!
How did you feel when you first saw the smiling puppy picture above?
That’s also your endorphins.
Endorphins are the feel-good chemicals that affect you physically and emotionally. When your endorphin levels are high, they will temporarily raise your pain threshold and help reduce emotional stress.
You might have experienced a ‘runner’s high’. This is when your endorphins kick in as you push past your pain barrier to the point of distress. Not something you want to experience every time you run.
Endorphins are your brain’s natural pain and stress reliever.
What are the benefits of endorphins?
- Decreasing Stress, Anxiety, and Depression